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  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:经销商
  • 更新时间:2017-03-31
  • 访  问  量:1304

  德国Rexroth力士是我司的一级代理品牌,也是我司的优势品牌之一。06年我司与Rexroth力士乐公司成功签订合作条约,并授权代理德国Rexroth力士乐电磁阀、比例阀、换向阀、柱塞泵、叶片泵、油泵、齿轮泵等所有的产品,客户遍布国内每个地方,还有些出口的。我司可以直接从厂家采购自己报关进口。这样能确保客户的产品是德国*的力士乐产品,从而客户可以避免国内代理、办事处和经销商的分级代理,层层盘剥的 模式,享受到价格低货期短而且欧洲原装的采购服务。对于一些德国产品,我们通过 集中批量采购以获取厂商*折扣,可以提供比国内市场价格更低的报价。对于不太容易找到的德国及 欧洲小品牌的工业产品,我们可以帮助您寻找并代为采购,为本公司直接供货的欧洲中小企业已达1000 多家。



  Rexroth pump mechanism is the driving force of the hydraulic system, it will be the prime mover (electric motor, the internal combustion engine, etc.) of mechanical energy into fluid pressure energy. Rexroth pump works: a space enclosed by a volume change to realize blots and oil pressure. Suction performed when the closed volume from small to big, from big oil pressure-hours. Typical Rexroth piston pump, the plunger is pulled out of the cylinder bore suction pressure when pressed into oil. The pump inlet and outlet are separated, efficiency depends on the viscosity of each of the structure and process of the oil gap between the moving parts separated by suction pressure oil chamber and the like. The higher the viscosity the higher the efficiency, the amount of oil remains nearly constant (due to a slight impact efficiency, the pressure was increased to 18MPa Further, the fluid is compressed 1%). Rexroth pump generally is mainly used in mining, coal, metallurgy, chemical industry, environmental protection and other industries. Sand pump more general sense refers to environmental protection, dredging, river dredging and other industries more. This series sand pump to ES or G series more. In addition, there are many types of known sand pump, SB sand pump oil sector, PS mining sand pump series and so on. This article describes the main sand pump to use sand pump dredging ES or G series, the environmental protection industry in the usual sense.



R900522402 A10VSO71DFR1/31R-PPA12N00 
R900230411 A10VSO71DFR1/31R-PPA12N00SO135 
R900573819 A10VSO71DFR1/31R-PPA12N00SO169 
R910922744 A A10VSO100 DFR1/31R-PPA12N00 
R910945178 A A10VSO 18 DFR1/31R-PPA12N00 
R910910590 A A10VSO 28 DFR1/31R-PPA12N00
R910946322 A A10VSO 28 DFR1/31R-PPA12N00-SO410 
R910908725 A A10VSO 45 DFR1/31R-PPA12N00 
R902433715 A A10VSO 45 DFR1/31R-PPA12N00-SO277
R910944440 A A10VSO 71 DFR1/31R-PPA12N00
R910948148 A A10VSO 71 DFR1/31R-PPA12N00-SO13 
R910920752 AE A10VSO100 DFR1/31R-PPA12N00


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