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  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:经销商
  • 更新时间:2016-04-19
  • 访  问  量:1266



ATOS solenoid valve of the main features of the solenoid valve leakage block extinction, internal leakage and easy to control, safe. External leaks are endangering the security elements. Other automatic control valve will usually stem protruding from the electric, pneumatic, hydraulic actuator control spool rotation or movement. This should solve the long-term operation of the valve stem seals for external leakage problem; only the solenoid valve is an electromagnetic force is applied to seal the electric control valve separated from the magnetic core within the sleeve is completed, there is no dynamic seal, so easy to block leakage must . Electric torque control valve is easy, prone to internal leakage, or even pull off the stem head; structure type solenoid valve is easy to control internal leakage, until reduced to zero. Therefore, the use of special safety valve, especially for corrosive, toxic or high-temperature media. ATOS solenoid valve system is simple, they take computers, low modest prices. Solenoid valve itself is simple, the price is low, compared to other types of valve actuators easy installation and maintenance. More significant is much simpler automatic control system consisting of a much lower price. Since the solenoid valve is a switch control signal, and industrial computer connection is very convenient. In today's widespread use of computers, an era of declining prices, the advantages of the solenoid valve is even more obvious. ATOS solenoid valve action express, power tiny, lightweight form. Solenoid valve response time can be as short as a few milliseconds, even in the pilot solenoid valve can also be controlled within tens of milliseconds. Since forming the circuit, is more sensitive than the other automatic control valve. Properly designed solenoid valve coil power consumption is very low, an energy-saving products; can be triggered simply moves automatically maintain valve position, usually is not power. ATOS solenoid valve shape, small size, saving space and light and beautiful. Solenoid valve control accuracy is limited, for the media is limited. Solenoid switches usually only two states, the spool only in the two extreme positions can not be continuously adjusted, (trying to break a lot of new ideas, but still are in the experimental trial stage) so regulation accuracy is also subject to certain restrictions.


ATOS电磁阀DKI-1711-X 24DC
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1713/1-X 24DC 24
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1713/WP-X 230AC
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1713-X 230/50/60AC
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1713-X 24DC
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1714-X 110/50/60AC 24
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1714-X 24DC
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1715-X 230/50/60AC 24
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1717-X 24DC 24
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1718-X 24DC 24
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1750/2-X 24DC
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1751/2/FI/NC-X 24DC 24
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1751/2/FI/NO-X 24DC 24
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1751/2/WP-X 230/50/60AC 24
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1630/2-X 24DC
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1631/2/A-X 24DC 24
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1631/2/WP 24DC
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1631/2/WP-X 230/50/60AC 24
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1631/2-X 230/50/60AC 24
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1631/2-X 24DC
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1632/2/AFI/NC-X 24DC 24
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1632/2/A-X 24DC 24
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1671-X 24DC 24
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1710-X 24DC
ATOS电磁阀DKI-1711/WP-X 24DC 24


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