Rexroth力士乐油泵有三大类:Rexroth力士乐柱塞泵,Rexroth力士乐叶片泵,Rexroth力士乐齿轮泵,REXROTH力士乐柱塞泵根据倾斜元件的不同,有斜盘式和斜轴式两种。斜盘式是斜盘相对回转的缸体有一倾斜角度,而引起柱塞在泵缸中往复运动。传动轴轴线和缸体轴线是*的。这种结构较简单,转速较高,但工作条件要求高,柱塞端部与斜盘的接触部往往是薄弱环节,REXROTH叶片泵只不过是离心泵的一种具体应用的泵而命名。实质上砂泵只是一个笼统的叫法,力士乐齿轮泵是采用齿轮内啮合原理,内外齿轮节圆紧靠一边,另一边被泵盖上“月牙板”隔开。主轴上的主动内齿轮带动其中外齿轮同向转动,在进口处齿轮相互分离形成负压而吸入液体 。
Rexroth Rexroth pump suction and pressure oil from the plunger in a reciprocating movement of the plunger jacket to complete. When the plunger is located in the lower position, the plunger sleeve two hole is opened, the plunger comprising a pump body cavity and oil passages communicating the fuel chamber quickly filled with oil. When the top of the cam roller to the roller body, the plunger will rise. Room from the plunger begins to move up to the front end surface of the plunger hole is blocked up. In this period of time, due to the movement of the plunger, the fuel is extruded from the oil chamber, the flow of oil passage. So this is called pre-travel lift. When the plunger block the hole, began to pressure oil process. Plunger up, a sharp increase in oil pressure oil chamber. When the pressure exceeds the force of the spring and the upper part of the hydraulic valve, the valve on top of the open, the fuel is pressed into the tubing to the injector. The plunger sleeve into the hole on the piston end face is compley obscured by the time the oil is called theoretical starting point. Continued upward movement of the plunger, the oil has been continued, and the process continues until the oil pressure spiral bevel on the plunger so that the plunger sleeve back hole open until the time when a hole is opened, the high-pressure oil from the oil chamber via longitudinal grooves on the plunger and plunger sleeve back hole back into the pump body oil passage. At this point the barrels of oil hydraulic chamber decreases rapidly, the oil valve springs and hydraulic pressure tubing role falling back seat, immediay stop the injector fuel injection. In this case, although the plunger continues upward, but the supply has been terminated. Put back the plunger hole opened by the plunger hypotenuse moment called theory supply end. Throughout the course of the upward movement of the plunger, but the middle section of the trip is the oil pressure process, this trip is called the effective stroke of the plunger
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