您现在的位置:首页 > 产品中心 > 德国力士乐Rexroth气动阀 > Rexroth力士乐比例阀 > 德国Rexroth力士乐气动比例阀原理及订货号



  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:经销商
  • 更新时间:2016-04-13
  • 访  问  量:939



Germany REXROTH Rexroth proportional valve works, Rexroth proportional valve technology parameters, REXROTH Germany Rexroth Rexroth proportional valve solenoid valve
Germany rexroth proportional valve VT-NE30-2X electromagnetic proportional valve is threaded plug member proportional element fixed oil blocks, Germany REXROTH Rexroth proportional valve screw cartridge valves having a flexible, Germany REXROTH Rexroth proportional valve conduit and cost savings low, etc., in recent years more and more widespread application of mechanical engineering. Common spiral cartridge proportional valve has two-way, three-way, four-way and multi-way and other forms of Second formula proportion Fazhu proportional throttle valve, it is often other elements together to form composite valve for flow, pressure control; Third proportional valve proportional valve main formula is machinery hydraulic system used more often proportional valve, it is mainly for hydraulic operation of the multi-way valve pilot circuit operation. The use of three-way proportional valve can replace the traditional manual pressure pilot valve type, it has more flexibility and higher control precision than the manual pilot valve. Shown in Figure 1 can be made proportional servo control manual multi-valve, different input signals, the output piston valve having a different pressure or flow so as to realize the multi-way valve spool displacement proportional control. Stone or through spiral cartridge proportional valve can work alone device to achieve control.

0811 404 061
0811 404 039
0811 404 038
0811 405 152
0811 404 036
0811 404 001
0811 405 082
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0811 403 002
0811 404 405
0811 104 113
0811 402 633
0811 104 128
0811 405 105
0811 404 613
0811 405 076
0811 402 059
0811 404 405
0811 404 613
0811 402 081
0811 402 059
0811 402 016
0811 403 017
0811 402 017
0811 403 101
0811 405 094
0811 405 147
0811 405 063
0811 404 035
0811 403 017
0811 405 144
0811 404 151
0811 320 029
0811 402 016
0811 404 042
0811 405 548
0811 405 063
0811 405 063
0811 405 094
0811 405 532  
0811 405 144
0811 403 017
0811 405 101
0811 405 147
0811 405 104
0811 402 620
0811 404 950
0811 403 001
0811 402 007
0811 402 633
0811 405 554 
0811 402 642
0811 402 642 
0811 402 620
0811 404 950
0811 403 001
0811 402 007
0811 402 633
0811 405 140
0811 405 540
0811 405 547
0811 402 007
0811 404 950
0811 402 642
0811 404 613
0811 404 771
0811 402 071  
0811 402 072  
0811 404 606
0811 404 152
0811 404 603
0811 404 041
0811 404 034
0811 109 123
0811 405 140
0811 404 164
0811 404 184
0811 402 007
0811 404 207
0811 405 547
0811 405 063
0811 405 147
0811 405 094
0811 402 071
0811 106 033
0811 404 034
0811 404 034
0811 404 926
0811 402 114
0811 404 613
0811 106 032
0811 106 032
0811 404 035
0811 404 405
0811 332 108
0811 405 140
0811 404 164
0811 024 121
0811 403 119
0811 405 547
0811 404 932
0811 404 932
0811 404 039
0811 404 771
0811 106 033
0811 405 076
0811 402 017
0811 402 614
0811 404 613
0811 404 036
0811 404 455
0811 405 083
0811 405 060
0811 404 039
0811 404 036
0811 404 114
0811 405 098


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